Gorgeous Grosgrain Ribbon Stitch Design

Handmade gifts will never go out of fashion. You might not spend a lot of money in making them, but you will certainly invest your time, effort and love. For this reason, handcrafted gifts are invaluable. A wide range of materials can be used for making handmade souvenirs, but none of them can ever match the aura of stitched Grosgrain ribbons. The diminutive luster, subtle color, prominent traverse ribs, and a delicate line of running stitch along the edges make Grosgrain ribbon stitch design exquisitely beautiful. You can use it to create innumerable handicrafts. Unleash your creative fervor, unlock your imagination, and get going. Here are a few creative ideas of using Grosgrain ribbon stitch design. 

Grosgrain ribbon stitch design

  • Ribbon bracelets- To make colorful ribbon bracelets, you will need a Grosgrain ribbon stitch design in four different colors. Take about 2 yards of each ribbon and with the help of quad stitch interlock all the four pieces. Trim off the excess ribbon and fasten the ends of the bracelet with a needle and thread.  
  • Ribbon placemats- Grosgrain ribbon pieces can be woven together to make attractive placemats. To make a placemat, cut equal lengths of ribbon, place them on a paper grid, and pin up the ends. Turn the grid sideways and pin up a few more lengths of ribbon along its edges. Gradually weave these pieces through the first pinned ribbon lengths. After you complete the weaving process, gently remove the placemat from the grid and sew along the edges to secure it.   
  • Ribbon embroidery- With the help of a Grosgrain ribbon stitch design, embroidery floss and perle cotton threads, you can create beautiful floral motifs and stitch patterns on jackets, tablecloths, cushion covers, and quilts. You need to know only five basic embroidery stitches: stem stitch, lazy-daisy stitch, French knot, and straight stitch to create thousands of elegant patterns.
  • Ribbon barrette- Grosgrain ribbon overlapping design can also be used to make classy barrettes. To weave a barrette, you need 1 yard of Grosgrain ribbon in two different colors and double-bar barrette. Place the ribbons below the bar of the barrette and start braiding. Once the barrette has been covered, knot the ribbon and allow the excess of it to hang.
With these delightful crafty tips, you will surely be able to create exemplary pieces of art with Grosgrain ribbon stitch design. Upon receiving your labor of love, the recipients will applaud your efforts, and you will feel blissfully happy to make them happy.

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