Lights for the wedding ceremony

Usually the wedding ceremony takes place in the day time however the reception is lined up for the night time accompanied with a dinner. Getting an appropriate location for the event is a tough decision. It is always suggested to book a location well in advance so that no chaos is created as the big day approaches. The more time you spend at your reception hall the more you get to understand the lighting spots. There are a number of people whom you have to involve before taking any decision for the lighting. Lighting would play the most important role in your reception of course no one wants the pictures or the wedding movies to look dull and life less. Lights can add that extra tint to the occasion.

Before you move out to select for the lights make sure you ask your florist, as most of the time florists also do the lighting arrangements and get their own lights. If your florist does not entertain the lighting services you should go and ask for the lighting service specialist. There are a number of lighting suppliers out their in the market to offer you help with lighting the reception hall. Even though the light specialist would help you out still there are points that you should keep in mind.

Make sure every table arranged for the guests have the table lights hanging so that they don’t have any trouble while seated for food. Candles can also be placed on the dinning table for the guests, this will also add to the whole ambiance of the dinner table. There are flicker lights or fairy lights available in the market. These look very nice when hung up on walls or around the pillars. Flicker lights can be bought in white or ultra white shade these will add glow to the whole reception hall. Spot lights should be used on the entrance and the important corners. Make sure no spot is left without lights this might ruin the whole ceremony. Good lighting gives a glow to the wedding pictures and every one just glows.

Don’t forget the dance floor should have the spot lights over it, when ever the couple’s dance start those spot lights should be turned on immediately. To give it a more appealing look switches off the rest of the lights. Adding and subtracting the types of lights totally depends on personal discretion but make sure the lighting is perfect for the immaculate occasion.

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