What are garters and how are they used?

Garters are small articles of clothing, used either as a suspender or fastener around a body part to keep the stocking prevented from slipping; some times they are also used to keep up the socks or any other items that might slip-off. These are worn by both male and female, and now their functional ability has been increased with the introduction of elastic. In modern era, fashion clothes and lingerie often are designed with garters for the trend. Garters also have traditional values and meanings when it comes to Christian wedding. A bride wearing it is considered as a symbol of love, peace, and purity and later the item is deflowered by her groom only during the wedding party.

Many superstitions are attached to the Christian wedding ceremonies, where a garter implies affection and love, they also are known as lucky charm for the couple. It may have long lasting impact on their wedding life to come thus they are blessed with this small article of clothing that can be made of anything like heavy material or else nylon and laces being quite popular these days. As mentioned above, superstitions are attached to he wedding attire so many Christians simple follow the traditional that have passed to them from generations and they do it without questioning about them. It is essential for a bride to wear something borrowed and something new and garters laces are among of them. This article can be used as an extender down the knees or be attached to anywhere on the bride’s dress.

Another important thing with respect to garter is its color. It must be blue in color and attached anywhere on the dress so that groom can take it off and throw it to single men of the party. Whoever catches this fabric is said to be lucky and next in the line of marriage, all best wishes are given to him as he proves himself blessed by taking the article. In the 19th and 20th century garter was extensively used in the female clothing. Now it is used but in a totally different style. The fabric is attached to the suspenders, and panties are worn over the suspenders. Today the garter has acquired an erotic look and used in the presentation of pornography clothing. Even many fashion magazines represent women wearing garters belts and suspenders that looks fetish. Earlier women used to wear panties underneath the suspenders and trend today has completely changed. Garters are available everywhere in the markets and stores. Colors are also enormous and it’s easy to settle your mind for one that accomplishes your taste.

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