Wedding Favors Express your Joy

These days the bride and groom give wedding favors to their guests. This has been a tradition in Europe for hundreds of years, with wedding guests in Greece receiving sugar coated almonds in little pouches, tied with ribbon. This custom is now catching on in the rest of the world, although the wedding favors tend to be more durable than sugared almonds. Even in Greece, wedding guests may be given a synthetic flower along with the almonds, as a token they can keep to remember their friends’ wedding.
There’s no need to spend a fortune on wedding favors, they can be anything that your friend will be able to keep to remember your special day by. They may be decorative tins or boxes with candies inside, so that the tin or box will be useful even when the contents have been eaten. Choosing wedding favors for your guests can be a way of getting rid of stress as if you choose individual wedding gifts for your friends, although it is still wedding-orientated, it is not about you but about them, which is healthy. You don’t become preoccupied just with you and your big day.
Nowadays weddings may happen on a beach in an exotic location, in which case you might want to give your guests favors that reflect the location, so you could go for shells, or coasters made from bamboo, or beach items such as flavored lip gloss with sun screen.
This won’t detract from your wedding day, as your friends have probably already showered you with wedding gifts, starting with the bridal shower, and then buying items from your wedding list. When you give wedding favors you are showing them that you have appreciated their kindness and generosity.
There are so many unique wedding favors on offer, you can have champagne glasses personalized for your guests, so that they can toast your health and keep the glass, or you might have items specially made to your own design. All these things show your guests that they are appreciated, and they will have a token by which to remember your special day.

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